Organon of Medicine and Homeopathic Philosophy

Why should students come to us

1) Demonstration of application of fundamentals of Homeopathy Philosophy at bedside (in OPD and IPD) through Action Learning-with use of Standardised Case Record system.


2) Practical application of the homeopathic philosophy as enunciated by the founder, Dr M.L. Dhawale in his internationally renowned book ‘Principles and practice of Homeopathy’ and other ICR literature.


3) Study of the Homeopathic principles according to the various stalwarts like Master Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Kent, Boger, Hering, Close, Roberts etc integrated with the Indian Philosophy as given in the Geeta.


4) Whole hearted availability of the complete faculty of the department of Organon who possess rich clinical experience of more than 30 years and Academic experience of more than 18 years.


5) Studying here would also enrich ones’ experience in the research work carried out in homeopathic philosophy on the basis of authentic clinical work carried out during the span of MD course.


6) The department focuses on the training of physicians through the “guru-shishya parampara” rooted in our Indian system of education.


7) Physicians are trained to go beyond oneself and following the practice of “Clinical Observer” system in clinical practice.

It is essential to acquire complete knowledge of Organon and homeopathic philosophy which forms the foundation of homeopathic practice.

Department Wise Intake Capacity: 6 Students Per Year

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Dr M L Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institute, Palghar Palghar – Boisar Road, Opp. Municipal Corporation and Fire Brigade, Palghar-401 404, Dist. Palghar, Maharashtra, India


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